



Activiteiten van onze partners

Alle activiteiten
Workshop of video-assisted technology in Thoracic Pathology

Organised by the Medico and Surgical Department of Thoracic Pathology, Erasme Hospital and Thoracic Surgical Team at CHU Helora Hôpital de Mons (Site Kennedy).

Please use this LINK to registrer online.

Contact : Melissa.Bourleau@hubruxelles.be - +32 (0)2 555 53 49

Antwerps Long Symposium

De stafleden van de dienst Longziekten van het Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen nodigen u uit voor het eerste Antwerps Long Symposium op woensdag 25 september 2024.

Hierbij kan u het programma terugvinden, evenals de inschrijvingslink voor het symposium.

Wees er snel bij want de plaatsen zijn beperkt.

iBEDSSMA: One-Day Symposium & 10th anniversary

It is with great pleasure that iBEDSSMA invites you to its One-Day symposium on Saturday September 21, 2024, at the venue Botanic Sanctuary Antwerp.

At the end of the day, they will also celebrate their 10th anniversary during a gala dinner.

Accreditation RIZIV/INAMI is requested for dentistry and medical doctors.

To find the program and to register, please usthe following link: https://science.izidok.com/products/ibeddsma-2024

Inquiries regarding subscription, accreditation and/or hotel room booking need to be send to info@izidok.com – for any other questions please contact contact@ibedssma.be

MASTERCLASS : NTM in Perspective

Don’t hesitate to join this masterclass for an exciting opportunity to engage and learn from national experts, present your interesting NTM-PD cases and discuss any clinical issues.

You will find the official invitation attached with all practical details you need to register online.

Symposium: 30 years department of thoracic surgery

The staff members of the Thoracic Surgery Department of the UZ Leuven invite you to their symposium on Saturday, October 12, 2024, in the Promotiezaal, University Hall, KU Leuven.

This year's theme is ‘30 years Department of Thoracic Surgery’.

Registration is possible until October 1, 2024, via the website of the UZ Leuven.