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BTOS 2024

15 mars 2024

Pullman Hotel (Brussels South Train Station)

BTOS 2024

The Belgian Thoracic Oncology Symposium 2024 will take place at the Pullman Hotel (just near Brussels-South station) on Wednesday 15th March 2024 from 12 AM (with a lunch) until 6.00 PM.

The meeting of the working group "Thoracic Oncology" will take place just before the symposium.

As usual we will propose one plenary session and 3 workshops in small groups to encourage interaction and questions from the audience. The programme will be available soon.

Pullman Hotel Brussels-South


Tarif non membre
120,00 €
Tarif membre associé
30,00 €
Tarif membre associé junior
15,00 €
Tarif membre effectif
60,00 €
Tarif membre effectif junior
30,00 €
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