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Management of lung cancer during a Covid-19 surge

Tuesday 10th November 2020

BeSTS Webinar

Management of lung cancer during a Covid-19 surge

As Belgium is confronted with a second wave with even higher impact on the normal care, including cancer surgery, the Belgian Society for Thoracic Surgery (BeSTS), a section of the Royal Belgian Society of Surgery (RBSS), would like to invite you to the following webinar on Tuesday 10th November 2020 at 7 PM :

Management of Lung Cancer during a Covid-19 Surge : what to do when surgery is currently not an option ?


Three experts are willing to give their view on the management of lung cancer in these special times in such short notice.

Program :

Introduction Herbert Decaluwé, UZ Leuven

The Surgeon’s View : New York Experience during the first Wave (20 min) - Brendon Stiles, Weill University, NY

The Radiation Oncologist‘s View (20 min) - Yolande Lievens, UZ Gent

The Respiratory Oncologist‘s View (20 min) - Christophe Dooms, UZ Leuven



Register in advance for this meeting with the following LINK.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Zoom meeting


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