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20-21-22 October 2021

Hyperfair platform

If you only want to attend the symposium virtually (3-DAY PACKAGE ONLY VIRTUAL), you are in the right place to register. 

If you want to have access this symposium on-site, please click HERE.

This year we are trying a new joint formula that will bring together both "endoscopic" pulmonologists and thoracic surgeons.

We propose to review the current techniques and experiences of experts in these fields during an exciting three-day programme which you will find below.

The sessions will be broadcast live on Wednesday 20 October from the Erasmus Hospital and on 21 and 22 October from the WCCM in Mons. Recordings of the sessions will be available on our website until 8 November.

RBSS members have to use the following code to register on the BeRS website at the member rate : BEST/Membre2021/RBSS-virtual
RBSS JUNIOR members have to use the following code to register on the BeRS website at the JUNIOR member rate : BEST-2021-RBSS-Junior-Member-virtual
MACS/trainees in Surgery and Pulmonology can register for this programme free of charge (participation is strongly recommended). Please use the following code to register for free : BEST/2021/TRAINEES-Surgeons-virtual or BEST/2021/TRAINEES-Pulmonology-virtual


Prof. Jean Deslauriers AWARDS 2021 : an exhibition of scientific posters will be organized in Mons. The best scientific poster presented will be awarded by his widow during the symposium. We look forward to receiving your posters by sending them to Prof. Jean Lemaître: jean.lemaitre@hap.be.


And last but not least, we would like to thank our sponsors for their financial and logistical support in the organisation of this event. Indeed, we have specially dedicated a time slot on Thursday late afternoon to allow you to use a lot of equipments made available by our partners. More details about this will be send in the next few weeks.

Hyperfair platform


Tarif non membre
200,00 €
Tarif membre associé
0,00 €
Tarif membre associé junior
0,00 €
Tarif membre effectif
100,00 €
Tarif membre effectif junior
50,00 €
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